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Introduction to reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) consists in using machine learning techniques to make decisions and control robots. The domain studies how an agent can learn how to achieve goals in an environment.

At every step of the environment (each 50ms for our robot), the agent sees an observation of this environment and send an action to take depending on his policy.

When learning, the environment also returns a reward at every step to indicate how bad the agent did act. The sum of all these rewards when the episode ends is the return of this episode.

OpenAI Gym environments

The OpenAI Gym library defines an interface to reinforcement learning environments, making them easier to share and use. Gym also provides a large collection of environments to benchmark different learning algorithms [Brockman et al., 2016].

A Gym environment is a Python class implementing a set of methods:

import gym

class ExampleEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self, param1=0.01, param2=False, param3=200):
        # Initialize the environment

    def reset(self):
        # Reset the environment
        return observation

    def step(self, action):
        # Do an action
        return observation, reward, done, {}

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        # Render the environment for human visualization or for recording

    def close(self):
        # Close environment

    def seed(self, seed=None):
        # Change the random number generator seed

OpenAI Gym Reacher-v2

OpenAI Gym includes an environment of an robot arm in a 2D space which goal is to reach a target. It uses MuJoCo which is a proprietary equivalent of BulletPhysics.

It is a great base to start with as one of our goals is to make one robot leg reach a target.

Reinforcement learning tasks associated with kraby

The gym_kraby Python package includes four OpenAI Gym environments:

  • gym_kraby:HexapodBulletEnv-v0: simulate full robot with BulletPhysics,

  • gym_kraby:HexapodRealEnv-v0: command the full real robot,

  • gym_kraby:OneLegBulletEnv-v0: simulate only one leg of the robot with BulletPhysics,

  • gym_kraby:OneLegRealEnv-v0: command only one leg of the robot.

You may install and test those environments by running in a Python environment:

pip install gym-kraby
python -m gym_kraby.demo --help

The package includes a demo script to test each environment.

Demo script in action

Not tested

gym_kraby:HexapodBulletEnv-v0 and gym_kraby:HexapodRealEnv-v0 are quite similar to the “OneLeg” variant but they were not tested in learning.

Using Kraby Gym environments

You may use these environments as any other OpenAI Gym environment. You could also invoke the environment with render=True to show PyBullet GUI.

import gym

env = gym.make('gym_kraby:HexapodBulletEnv-v0', render=True)
observation = env.reset()
score_return = 0
done = False

while not done:
    a = env.action_space.sample()  # take a random action
    observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(a)  # step
    score_return += reward

print("Environment episode is done, your total return was", score_return)

As environments with only one leg cannot end prematuraly (and done will always returned true), you may use a time limit wrapper:

from gym.wrappers import TimeLimit

env_no_time_limit = gym.make('gym_kraby:HexapodBulletEnv-v0', render=True)
env = TimeLimit(env_no_time_limit, max_steps)