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URDF description

The Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) is an XML format for representing a robot model. It has been developed by the Robotic Operating System project (ROS).

Kraby URDF description is available at

Do not use SDF

This project started with a SDFormat description of the robot in Gazebo. Despite PyBullet being able to load SDF files, the support is not as good as URDF files and some simulation parameters were impossible to input.

Editing and building the URDF with Jinja templating

To simplify URDF editing and to avoid input errors, the project uses Jinja21 templates to generate the URDF. You may edit files under gym_kraby/data/src/ then execute gym_kraby/data/

Computing 3d-printed part inertia

Meshlab is able to compute a inertia tensor from a STL file with the “Compute Geometric Measures” filter. Nevertheless the STL is in millimeter and Meshlab implies a density of 1. The following Python script is able to take MeshLab output and print the corresponding inertia URDF tag.

mass = float(input("Object Mass is : "))
volume = float(input("Mesh Volume is : "))
print("Inertia Tensor is :")
j = [list(map(float, input("  ").strip().split(" "))) for _ in range(3)]

for i in range(3):
    for k in range(3):
        # Change density and convert millimeter to meter
        j[i][k] *= mass/volume*0.000001

print(f"""\n<inertia ixx="{j[0][0]:.16f}" ixy="{j[0][1]:.16f}" ixz="{j[0][2]:.16f}" iyy="{j[1][1]:.16f}" iyz="{j[1][2]:.16f}" izz="{j[2][2]:.16f}" />""")

For example, this is the input and output to computer a foot inertia.

% python3
Object Mass is : 0.0105
Mesh Volume is : 15253.618164
Inertia Tensor is :
  8171479.500000 -1091.582153 858.932007
  -1091.582153 6636559.000000 29447.435547
  858.932007 29447.435547 2481984.750000    

<inertia ixx="0.0000056249300217" ixy="-0.0000000007514029"
          ixz="0.0000000005912555" iyy="0.0000045683501941"
          iyz="0.0000000202704742" izz="0.0000017085021793" />

For more information, see

PyBullet integration

Now that our robot is fully described in URDF, we may load it in BulletPhysics using PyBullet Python bindings.

import pybullet as p

p.connect(p.GUI)  # Open new physic server with GUI
p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)  # No, we are still on earth
p.setAdditionalSearchPath(getDataPath())  # Add pybullet_data
p.loadURDF("plane.urdf")  # Load a ground
p.loadURDF("hexapod.urdf")  # Load the full robot

You may then use p.setJointMotorControlArray to control motors.

  1. Xacro could also be an option, but it requires to install the ROS toolchain.